About the Book
At a time when Islam is the focus of attention, vilified by some and a source of inspiration for others, Arkoun’s is one of few voices that seek to go against the stream. His radical review of mainstream historiography of Islam draws on interdisciplinary analysis – historical, social, psychological and anthropological.
As one of the foremost thinkers of the Muslim world, Arkoun is in a position to question dogmatic constructs from within, with respect and critical acumen. An understanding of this approach will lead to an emancipatory turn in the intellectual and political spheres of Muslim societies.
About the Author
Mohammed Arkoun is Emeritus professor at the Sorbonne, Paris, and Editor of Arabica: Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies. He is the acclaimed author of several works on Islamic thought and Qur'anic exegesis, including Islam: To Reform or To Subvert, Islam, Europe and the West and Rethinking Islam: Common Questions, Uncommon Answers.
‘Mohammed Arkoun is an independent philosopher who has rendered outstanding services to societies in the Arab world by seeking a genuinely Arab approach to reason and enlightenment.’ Ibn Rushd, Fund for Freedom of Thought
'No ordinary review could do justice to this extraordinary book.' Mahmoud Ibrahim, California State Polytechnic University