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Getting Published

Saqi publishes up to twenty fiction and nonfiction titles a year. We believe that literature has the potential to change the way we see the world, and that championing vibrant and diverse voices is the clearest path to ensuring an empowered future.

We welcome manuscript submissions from writers and agents alike. Kindly follow these guidelines and submit your proposal to submissions@saqibooks.com.


Non-Fiction Manuscripts

Your submission should include the following materials in English:

  • Synopsis or outline (including the book’s unique selling points)
  • Contents page (including concise chapter descriptions and proposed word length of book)
  • One sample chapter
  • Author biography and CV, listing all relevant publications
  • Details of photographs, illustrations, tables and other non-textual matter in the manuscript (where appropriate)
  • Proposed completion date of the manuscript
  • Note on competing works and the book’s marketing potential
  • Any details of support (partnerships, financial support or grants) that will help support your project


Fiction Manuscripts

 Your submission should include the following materials in English:

  • Synopsis (including the book’s unique selling points)
  • Proposed word length of book
  • Three sample chapters
  • Author biography and CV, listing all relevant publications
  • Notes on competing works and the book’s marketing potential
  • If your work has already been published in another language, kindly also provide information about who holds the rights, and information about the sales, review and prizes for the original language edition.

 All submissions are treated as confidential. If you do not receive a reply within eight weeks, please consider your submission declined on this occasion, with best wishes for success elsewhere.

For authors whose submissions have not been successful with us, we recommend that you visit the Writers’ and Artists’ website to find out more about getting published. Whether you are hoping to acquire an agent or embark on a writing career without one, we also recommend consulting the Society of Authors and Spread the Word. To workshop your writing, there are many excellent BA, MA, evening and online creative writing courses available, depending on where you are based and your circumstances.