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About the Book
Simple Arabic aims to make learning Arabic as easy and simple as possible. Assuming no previous knowledge of the language, it is suitable for beginners but also for those who already have a grounding in the basics. It is a self-teaching tool on how to speak, read and write modern standard Arabic.
The book consists of 29 units which have been condensed to the essentials of each topic, and all the linguistic structures required for GCSE Arabic and beyond. Words used have been selected on the basis of frequency of usage in contemporary Arabic and a comprehensive bilingual index will also be helpful for examinations revision or simply to quickly refresh one’s memory on specific points.
About the Author
Jack Ingle worked for many years in the Middle East and North Africa and has translated and interpreted widely from the Arabic into English.
Yousif Haddad was born in Baghdad. He has taught Arabic at colleges in the UK for many years and has devised the Arabic curriculum taught nation-wide.
'The authors have produced a simple reference book in Arabic grammar which is both comprehensive and easy to use.' Geolinguistics, Volume 30, 2004