A Brief Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet

A Brief Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet

9780863564314 March 2009 Paperback 128pp 29 b&w illustrations

About the Book

The Arabic alphabet has a rich history, one that is closely linked with the development of culture and society in the Middle East.

In this comprehensive introduction the authors trace the origins of the Arabic alphabet back to Aramaic, which also gave rise to the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. Using detailed illustrations, the authors investigate early Islamic inscriptions as well as classical Arabic scripts.

John F. Healey and G. Rex Smith bring the story up to the present day by examining the practice of calligraphy, printing and computing in Arabic.

About the Author

G. Rex Smith is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Manchester. He is an Arabist, historian, and scholar of the medieval history of the Yemen. His works include A Brief Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet with John Healey, as well as A Medieval Administrative and Fiscal Treatise from the Yemen and A Traveller in Thirteenth Century Arabia.
John Healey is Professor of Semitic Studies at the University of Manchester. His publications include A Brief Introduction to the Arabic Alphabet, The Early Alphabet, The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada'in Salih and The Religion of the Nabataeans.